Monday, August 28, 2006

My Granddaughter Brittany is in Doll Crafter & Costuming magazine with Sherry Goshon. Sherry had Brittany make her baby doll pattern Brie. Brittany had fun making her she named her doll Kristany. Here's a few pics I took of Brittany working on the project. She really had fun making this doll. Brittany thinks a lot of Sherry and loves Sherry's work. I think the article came out great. I can't wait for Brittany to see the magazine. She'll be over in the morning.
I'm PROUD of her and Sherry.

Victorian Diva Face Close Up

Here's a pic of Victorian Diva's face close up. I used Micro colored pens and pastel chalks on her face. I used white gel pen for the white highlights in her eyes.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I finished a new doll. I call her Victorian Diva. Her base is a dress form. Her head is a flat face made out of Pro Sculpt. The back of her hair is made with Apoxie Sculpt and painted. Her flower, ribbons and hair around her face is made with Pro Sculpt and painted. I drew her face with Micro Pens and I used pastel chalk for her cheeks and eye shadow. I love the dress forms. I'll use them for doll making instead of selling them in our Perfume Palace shop for decor. LOL LOL!!! Still sell them in our shop too. :-) They are Jewerly Holders. BUT I saw DOLLS!!!
PLEASE EXCUSE the shadows around her. I didn't take a very good pic.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I need Help in finding this netting. I've had it for years and I've been looking for it. It's soft NOT stiff. It's used on Victorian things and Victorian brides, etc. Would any of you know what it's called and what it's made of ???? Rayon, polyester, etc etc etc ......??????
Your help will be appreciated very much. My next step will be to go to LA to the Fabric District and I'm not crazy about that. :-) Here's a couple of pics of it. One pic I have it laying on dark brown fabric. The second pic is of itself.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

She's finished. I embellished under the top of the stand. She's happy with her new embellishments. This piece really doesn't need too much embellishing. At least I think so for now. :-) Dressed Inside still doesn't have a name. I think the right side of my brain and the left side of my brain are fighting with each other on this one. LOL LOL When it's time the name will pop out. Got to go, Ken and I are going out with some friends and I still have to get ready.
Love & Hugs

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Here's my new doll I made today. I'm not sure if she's finished yet or not. She doesn't have a name either, for now I call her Dressed Inside. My hubby calls her Caged Lady. :-) BUT for now it's Dressed Inside. Her head is made from silk and I drew her face on with Prismacolor pencils. Her nose is machine stitched on each side of her nose.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Here's a pic of one of my "Little Dolls From My Soul". He's sold.

Want to see if this pic works when you click on to make it larger.


Well, I tried but it didn't work. Don't know why the ATC's won't get larger when you click on them. I deleted the first one and when I did I deleted the post also. :-(
Love & Hugs

I re did the ATC's . Hope they will show larger when you click on them. Try it now.
Love & Hugs

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Computer Problems Just About Over

My computer problems are just about over. Getting everything fixed thanks to Cox and mostly my son who came into town for one day and night. He's on a plane back to CT tonight. Will be back to see us on the 26th and will go back home to CT on the 29th or 30th. HE SAVED MOST OF MY FILES AND PICTURES. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! He knows computers well. He works for Intel. Now I just have to redo some of my online lessons and some other files. The pressure was on because of the online class lessons I had. I'm fixin them. They are almost finished. WOOOHOOOO!!! I suppose I shouldn't WOOOHOOOO!! too loud yet. LOL LOL!!! I sure do feel better about things today. :-)

I sure have missed making more paper dolls BUT I have enough for my two paper doll swaps.
I have some new dolls I want to work on. I better get back to my files.
Love & Hugs

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Past Two Days

The past two days have been awful for the computer and emails. Cox was down having lots of problems. We changed my emails to Outlook Express and HOLY COW!! was that ever the wrong thing to do. Spend most of the day working on online class lessons. Went to send them and wouldn't let me cause file was too big. Wouldn't let me send anything of any size. I'm about ready to pull my hair out. Hubby got on the phone and had cox put me back on regular cox mail and not Outlook Express. NOW I get some email at cox and as soon as I read it it goes to Outlook Express. *&&^^%%&**** When hubby gets home from the gym he has to call cox and get them to tell us how to get out of Outlook Express they are the ones that put me in Outlook Express. NEVER AGAIN!!! It's put me behind. Going to go now and take a few deep breaths and count to 10. LOL LLOL LOL!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dee Dee Hanging

Here's a pic of Dee Dee hanging.

The Rose Decked Out

Here's The Rose decked out in her handmade flowers & leaves. She also has a feather in her headband along with leave & lace buds. She's loving her new roses.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Rose

Meet The Rose from the Victorian days. She's such and elegant rose don't you think? I think this elegant rose has to have some handmade ribbon roses on her dress. I'll have to make her a few pretty roses for her dress. That will make her feel as if she was back in the early 1900's again and living a wonderful life. :-) The Rose is for one of the two Paper Doll Swaps I'm doing.

Dee Dee

Meet Dee Dee Paper Doll. She's made for one of the two Paper Doll Swaps I'm doing.
I'm thinking about putting a ribbon on the back of her so she can be hung on a wall or corner of a frame or what ever. :-) After all she is flying through the air. :-)
I'm working on more paper dolls tonight. Went to the ASD show here in Vegas. It's a big wholesale trade show with all kinds of mechandise. I was talking with this lady that was selling Victorian frames, etc. She's going to give me a call and talk with me about making some Victorian things for her to sell. There's so much wonderful things at this show. Of course my hubby and I go there to see the perfume companies we order from. Lots of new perfumes coming out all the time. My feet are killing me and we went yesterday. LOL LOL!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Treasure Chest Of Memories ~ My Online Class

WOOOHOOOO!! "Treasure Chest Of Memories ~ My online class I was telling y'all about is NOW on Doll Street. Go take a look.
Can you tell I'm excited??? I AM!!! Let me know what you think about her.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Happiness is the 2nd paper doll I finished. I relax when I'm creating and I love making paper dolls. Got to go work on some more. :-)

Doll Of Many Colors

I finished two paper dolls. They are so much fun to make. I have 4 more in progress. I hope to finish them tomorrow. If you haven't tried making paper dolls GO FOR IT!! you will love making them. The first one is called "Doll Of Many Colors".

Another Day Gone By

Well, another day has gone by. I worked at our Perfume Palace shop today. I did get time to work on some paper dolls. I'm doing 2 paper doll swaps and it's fun!! Can't wait to swap paper dolls.

Sorry, but I still can't show my doll to y'all, the ad for her didn't get put online today. As soon as it's up I will let y'all know. I really want to show her to y'all.

My granddaughter Brittany is spending the night. We are going to our doll club meeting in the morning. I'm taking my new doll that I can't show y'all yet to our meeting for Show & Tell. I'm not sure that might be a no no BUT I don't know that so I will show it. SECOND THOUGHT ON THAT!!! Maybe I won't take her after all. This is killing me, I wanna show her off.

Going to go and do some more creating.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Day & My Doll

The wait will soon be over!! You should see my new doll tomorrow. The advertisement from my online class should be going online tomorrow. I will keep y'all posted. I can't wait to show her to y'all. I'm excited!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!
I've been cleaning my doll studio this afternoon. I could not walk in here it was such a mess. I do mean a real BIG MESS.

Now I'm working on paper dolls for a couple of paper doll swaps. I LOVE paper dolls. When I was a little girl my grandmother would save the Besty McCall paper dolls out of the magazine for me. She kept them in a real pretty victorian box. I loved getting those dolls out and playing with them. I wish I had all the dolls I had when I was a kid. It's funny how things disappear from our lives. I still have my doll buggy and I still have one little porcelain doll and a hard plastic doll. Check out her picture. See how worn she is. Her silk dress has fallen apart and the paint is off her eye. Her arms need to be restrung. I can restore her. I use to restore old dolls. I even have a diploma for Doll Repair. See I told you something else about me
y'all didn't know. :-)
WOOOHOOO!!! My new piece is finished. I have been working on her for days. I worked on her most of the day. I have to go to Michael's to buy some supplies to finish her. OF COURSE I bought some other stuff while I was there. A girl just can't run into Michael's and get one thing. They were having a sale and I had a 40 % coupon that I didn't want to waste SO I bought a jar of Paper Mod Podge. I needed it, I'm about out of my other bottle. While I was out I had to run to our Perfume shop and fax my registeration to Doll U. This will be my first time at Doll U's new location. I attended Doll U in Oakland, CA when Judy Waters owned it. I'm looking forward to attending Doll U in Sept.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

For the past couple of days I've been working on a new piece. It's just about finished. Just a few finishing touches to do. This piece is for an online class I'm going to be teaching later this month. Sorry, can't show you yet. It will be shown soon. I have to go write the instructions, etc. That will take longer to do than the piece itself.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I might get to likin this BLOG thing once I get used to it. :-)
I'm working on a few things right now. I'm working on an
online class, paper doll swap, RR doll, patterns & instructions along with a few other things. I wish I could work on one thing at a time finish it and move on to the next project. I don't think it's in me to do that. LOL!! I think most of us work that way.

Here's a pic of me and my favorite TIGGER. I couldn't get a pic on my profile (I haven't figured how). :-)

Friday, August 04, 2006


BLUERAS & SAM was make for one of the Table Dolls for EDAC. They were auctioned at EDAC Banquet. BLUERAS & SAM now live with a lovely lady in Utah. BLUERAS is made of cloth. Her wings are wire and cloth. Sam the little elfin is sculpted out of Pro Sculpt and painted.
I used Apoxie Sculpt to attach her to the sphere she is sitting on. I also used Apoxie Sculpt on the bottom of the sphere so it would sit. I used Apoxie Sculpt to attach her wings to her body. I LOVE Apoxie Sculpt.

I'm giving Blog a try. :-) Here's a pic of the Challenge dolls I did for EDAC 2006. They are my own original design. They won a Red Ribbon. Meet Bree & Rusty. "UN REQUITED LOVE" Rusty is over the hill in love with a beautiful fairy named Bree BUT!! Bree is not in love with Rusty. Matter of fact she wishes he would get lost forever. Rusty is so love struck that he will never give up on Bree. "ONE DAY BREE WILL LOVE RUSTY"