Wednesday, May 08, 2013

It is a beautiful day but very windy. It's in the 80's and feels great.
I was outside for awhile watering my rose bushes and trees.  We are suppose to get bad storms later this evening.  I hope that has changed since I heard it on the news.  I DO NOT LIKE STORMS OF ANY SHAPE OR FORM!!!  Never did even as a child.  I would run and hide my head in my Mama's lap or go jump in bed with my Mama & Daddy.
Seems the days just fly by and I don't get much done.  I did clean the house today.  You know the routine....pick up, sweep, mop, clean everything, wash clothes, etc etc etc etc etc.
OH! and watch a little bit of TV. :-)  I only watched a couple of shows this morning.  I have been going through papers, etc.  Way too much paper around.  Little notes here and there; especially in my studios.  Don't know what I was thinking writing myself little notes and sticking them on my computer cabinet and other places in my studios.  I'm turning over a new leave today...........No more notes stuck everywhere...Will clean up as I create.  :-) HAHAHA! Just like that will happen. MMMMMM I will give it a try. :-)  It's nice working where it's clean and not clustered.  Can't find anything then.  I've given it a lot of thought today.  My Studios Are Going To Be Neat And I Will Know Where Everything Is.   THINK IT WILL WORK??????????????? LOL LOL LOL!!!  I HOPE SO!!
It's worth a shot.  Will see what happens.
I shouldn't be on the computer.  I should be straighten up my Studios SO I CAN CREATE MORE!!!!   RIGHT?????
I know I'm not the only one that thinks this way.  I don't know why I let things get into a mess.  Just takes away from MY CREATING!
SO, Off the computer and START Cleaning Studios.  :-)
(one of my patterns) she's sitting here looking at me as I type.  As my children would say....Mama, that's Creepy. LOL Hey, a girl's gotta have fun. :-)
I've had enough fun for now! I have to get busy in my Studios.  Creations need to be Created.  
All Have A Wonderful Day Creating,


Linda Walsh said...

Whenever I straighten up I can never find anything again. LOL LOL I,too, have yellow tickles everywhere. I'd be lost without them.

vivian said...

loving your cheerful little doll friend!
and wishing that someone would come straighten up my craft room or that I could just do it myself with a wiggle of my nose! LOL
have a great week Fran!