Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I'm still working on my Gypsy doll for the Gypsy Challenge.  Will finish her today.   My Celebration of dolls is finished and has been.  Have to get them in the mail.  

I will be starting on another new Art Doll.  I have the doll drawn in my sketch book already.  I did that yesterday while watching TV. LOL LOL!!  The Doll YELLS at me no matter where I am or what I'm doing.   I have to put her/him or whatever on paper if possible.  Sometimes they come out of the head as I am creating them. Watching TV or whatever or wherever I am.   No rhyme or reason to when or what my dolls or art wants to be.  I guess one would say my dolls & art pieces control me. LOL!   Yes, some do control what they want to be as I work on them.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  They pop into my head and I try to write them down on paper BUT sometimes I don't have paper and pencil.  I usually carry a pad and pencil with me BUT sometimes I don't.  Usually I remember this doll or art piece AND if I don't they come back to let me know from time to time. LOL!!    What can I say ART IS ART and my quote is " DOLLS ARE MY CANVAS WITH IN MY SOUL" 1996 Fran Parrigan Meehan

Does any one know why we can't post on some blogs and some we can.  I tried to post on a blog and it wouldn't let me.  I did  what google said. Didn't work.  So, I gave up.  Who knows what I did.  I'm sure I will find out. LOL LOL!!  Me and computers don't get along sometimes. LOL

Enough of my rambling on and on and on.   I'll save some of my ramblings  for another time. :-)

Everyone Have A Fantastic Day No Matter What you Are Doing!


Rhissanna said...

I know what you mean about the doll making a fuss to be created. Why, then, does the finished doll never look like the one yelling in my head? It never looks like what I thought I'd planned, or the sketch I made.

vivian said...

Hi Fran! I dont usually have to draw things out, but I sure do know what you mean about things in your mind waiting to be created that call out to you! sometimes I wake up at night with an idea and i just cant wait to get up!
have a great week