Had lots of fun visiting our families & friends in Las Vegas. NOPE didn't gamble while there. MMMMMMMM!! Yeah, I must be slipping. LOL LOL!! We stayed busy with family and friends. I also took Marilynn Hustons snail class while there. She taught at our doll club in Las Vegas. Yes, I'm still a part of the Las Vegas Silver Doll-Ers even though I live in Texas now. Always will be, after all I'm one of the co-founders with Pam whom has moved also. I LOVE our club and I REALLY REALLY MISS IT and all the MEMBERS!! I will put the finishing touches on my snail and post a picture. That week just flew by.
Now that I'm home the days are flying by here. I can hardly believe we have lived here for 1 year and 2 months ALREADY!! Time really does FLY BY!! We are still making changes in the house. Yesterday was a very long busy day PLUS we had our counter tops removed and new ones put in. That took most of the day. I LOVE THEM. Also put a new black sink in. Got to do some touch up painting on the walls, buy new plate covers for all the plugs. Had other things to do and then we were still out after 9 P.M. last night. Not sure what time we went to bed. It was late. At least it's another new beautiful day even though later storms might be moving in. Can't have it all. LOL LOL!! I'm Happy here BUT REALLY MISS ALL OUR KIDS, GRANDKIDS, FAMILY & FRIENDS. The UP SIDE....We have two Sons, daughter-in-laws and 5 grandkids that live here and friends. Just can't believe over a year has gone by already.
I'm working on a new face (which I did in Marilynn's class). When I got home I took the head off the snail body then I pressed the face in Amazing Mold and made a mold; then I sculpted on it a little bit because it got a bit smashed on one side of her face when it was cooking in class. I pressed it in Amazing Mold, then I took my clay and pressed it in the mold. Pulled the face out and added more clay where needed (it was smashed). Now I have the face fixed, cooked the clay face and made a new mold. Now to make a wild body or not so wild body for my new face. Won't know what it will become until I sit down and start working on it. I call it IT for now. Knowing me, IT will turn out pretty.......Seems I don't do weird or mean to well BECAUSE when I try to they still come out pretty. ROFL!!! Only thing I really really made mean looking was a Snowman for a friend (Sandy) of mine several years ago. That Snowman was a bad bad bloody snowman holding a bloody snowman head with a bloody pitch fork. Sandy and I laughed because she didn't think I had mean in me. LOL LOL!!! It's fun thinking back in the past sometimes.
Well, I have rattled on and on......My new face is done cooking and cool by now. Will press her head in Amazing Mold and make a good mold of her. Probably will have resin molds and a new pattern of the doll I make. Not saying when because I have several new dolls on the drawing board to finish first.
CHECK OUT Great Conference coming up July 26-29,2012.
I'm Teaching at the confernce. Would love to see some of you at the conference, in my class or in one of the other teacher classes. Lots of great teachers and classes. Lots More ....Check It Out.
Just wanted to update my blog and what I've been up to.