I want to show off two Mermaid Pincushions I have made. They are special orders from a person that is giving them to some special friends of hers. Will be posting more Mermaid Pincushions as they are finished. It will be awhile before more are posted. I love creating these Mermaid Pincushions.
I just had to show them off!!
Love & Hugs

They both are having a swimming good time at their new homes. :-)
These are great! I just love them.
Hugs, Susan
Fran these ar e really cute. You ought to pattern them! Great job!!
Love ya,
Very lovely!
Such lucky friends. Your faces are beautiful as always. Great addition to the sewing room.
Those are SOOO cute! I just love pincushions!
All of your dolls are lovely, but I do have a soft spot for mermaids. Maybe because I grew up on an island.
They are beautiful! Lovely design and beautiful execution!
Oh Fran they are too cute to stick pin in. giggle
Oh Fran they are too cute to stick pin in. giggle
Fran! Those are gorgeous dolls and wonderful pincushions. It would be hard to stick pins in for me!
hugs Karen
I just love the second one but both are lovely and I think they ate too pretty to stick pins in!!
Wonderful~so creative
Awesome Mermaids, Cool Idea.
Thank You Everyone. I had so much fun designing and making these Mermaid pincushion. I think I should and will put them out as a pattern.
Just dropped by to see what you were doing. Love those gorgeous littl pincushions.
Wow Fran, I dont know how I missed this post! But those mermaid pinkeeps are toooooo awesome! Love them! I am so impressed by them! You are brilliant!
These ladies are so very lovely!
This is really different. Wonderful work!
These are gorgeous Fran. love the colours.
Thank You everyone for your wonderful comments about my Mermaid Pincushions.
Love & Hugs
Fran...I lost my link to your blog and finally found it again! We had to get a new pc and I hate this Vista stuff and figuring out how to best use it!
My friends LOVED their pincushions! They both worked on a CQ block for me and this was a gift for them for doing so...I took my grandfathers ties and made a crazy quilt block from them and they worked some embellishing and embrodiery magic on it. I have a 3rd friend who worked on it too but she asked for a discount in my quilting studio..The block is with another friend at this moment and I do not know her likes right now but I may be ordering another of these later on.
Your work is amazing!
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