Wednesday, March 20, 2013



NO GOOD! I gained one pound but that isn't bad BUT it is bad also. :-)  Know what I mean????
Anyhow, I am going to loose these extra pounds I'm carrying around.  I feel so much better when I loose the extra pounds. LOL LOL NOPE NOT TELLING HOW MANY EXTRA POUNDS ARE ON THIS BODY. LOL LOL!!  TOO MANY! 

Started exercising today.  That will help a lot.  We have a treadmill that I get on sometimes. Going to get on it more.  I REALLY HAVE TO GET BACK IN SHAPE.   I FEEL BETTER IN MIND AND BODY when I loose the weight and get down to where I should be.  I'm one of those YO YO DIETERS!! BAD!!  I know it's not good for my health.  My health is good except for allergies and a few aches and pains here and there.

I really have a PROBLEM with SWEETS!!  Doing my best to stay away from SWEETS.....BUT THEY KEEP CALLING AFTER ME!! :-)   I REALLY try to IGNORE  those words I hear.  It's REALLY REALLY HARD TO DO SOMETIMES!!  I guess I need to have more WILL POWER!!
I'm trying. I'm trying to be good.

I think I'm Home Alone to much. LOL LOL!!!  NO, I just have to STOP THINKING ABOUT EATING SWEETS!  Food is not a problem at all.  There's times I feel that I NEED SUGAR and when I do give in, I am HAPPIER!!  The MIND is a very CURIOUS thing.   Guess I could talk to my mind and tell it to STOP WANTING SUGAR OR TEMPTING WITH SUGAR.  Then my husband might think I'm NUTS if he hears me talking to myself. LOL

Besides my problems with eating and feeling that I need sugar........I have been working on cleaning my studio for a couple of days (that helps).  I'm almost finished cleaning and getting rid of stuff in one studio.  Tomorrow I will go into the other studio and clean it and get rid of some stuff.  I can't believe I have soooooooooooooooooo much stuff.   At least I know I'm not Alone in having too much stuff to create with.

OK I feel MUCH BETTER now that I VENTED to Y'all about my bad habits. :-)

Have A Great Day Creating!  I'm going back to finish cleaning one studio.

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