Here's a couple of pictures of SPRING FAIRY PINCUSHION I am teaching on Doll Street. Class begins April 25, 2008. Want to join in on the fun of making SPRING FAIRY PINCUSHION????
Go to: to sign up. You will have lots of fun!! Hope to see you in the class room.
I'VE BEEN TAGGED BY DEANNA. I have to tell 5 things about myself and tag 5 other bloggers.
1. I LOVE designing and creating dolls of cloth, clay and other mediums, patterns, costumes, and props for my dolls.
2. I MISS my children and grandchildren that live in NY, CT, PA & TX
3. Dolls dance in my head all the time and want to be created. They even wake me up all hours of the night. I have a pad and pencil on my night stand so I can sketch & write them down.
4. I'm addicted to fabric, dyes, fiber papers, fancy fiber yarns, natural dyed flowers, stems, etc.
5. I work better under pressure. :-) Seems that way any how. :-)
I'll go to 5 peoples blogs and tag them. :-)
Love & Hugs